WNYC Radio is hosting a discussion on preservation and NY neighborhoods. Come shape the agenda by joining the audience and talking about your favorite places you want preserved during these turbulent times.
As part of the opening festival for The Greene Space, on Thursday May 7th at 10am Rosie Perez will moderate an audience driven discussion on how to preserve (and when not to preserve) the socially and culturally important places in our lives.
We’ll hear about gathering places in the outer boroughs and working class neighborhoods, mom and pop shops, historic sites and how architecture shapes neighborhood character … for better and worse.
Speakers include Bob Tierney, Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission; writer Nelson George; preservationists Vicki Weiner of the Pratt Center and Marci Reaven of Place Matters/City Lore; real estate consultant John Alschuler of HRA Advisors, community organizer Damaris Reyes of Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES) and more, including an audience filled with personal experiences and preservation stories to share.
There will also be a version of Jim and Karla Murray’s hyper-realist photo slide show on city store fronts from “The Disappearing Face of New York” http://tinyurl.com/czb9wl