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(Still) Live from New York: Works from Home, Ep. 4

Still Live from NYC: Works from Home

Monday September 16 2024 • 12:06pm - 12:06pm ET

Climb into our joy machine for 30 minutes and you’ll see what a few local musicians, comedians, dancers and animators can do with nothing but their talents and whatever gear they’ve got in their apartments.

Your esteemed MC Adam Hamway is very much LIVE, and all the videos he’ll introduce to you were curated by The Greene Space team and created by New York City artists while the city has been on pause for social distancing.

Tune in here on this page at 7pm ET, support the scene and save your FOMO for, umm, everything else in life.

Here are tonight’s featured artists: Like them! Tip them on Venmo or support their favorite local nonprofits!

Paola Gladys


“Freak, It Has to Change”

Insta: @paolagladys_

Venmo: @Paola-Arcieri


ES Wex


“All Illusions Melt”

Insta: @es.wex

Venmo: @Emily-Wexler


The Polka Brothers


“Sausage Festival”

Insta: @thepolkabros

Venmo: @Polka-Brothers


Elyse Brandau


“Co-worker Drinks”

Insta: @elysebrandau

Venmo: @Elyse-Brandau


Dan Wions


“You Are My Sunshine” for horn sextet

Venmo: @Dan-Wions


Richie Shazam

“Quarantine Diary”

Venmo: @richieshazam


Beatriz Capedevill



Insta: @beecapde

Venmo: @Roma101

Nicholas Safier


“Is This a Dagger?”

Insta: @nicholassafier

Venmo: @Nicholas-Safier

Gateways Festival Orchestra

“Lift Every Voice and Sing”


The Greene Space is funded by you.

Make a monthly donation of $10 or more to support us and all the programs and podcasts you love from WNYC, WQXR, Gothamist and more!