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The New York Times Podcast Club, IRL: American Fiasco

Podcast Mixtape

Wednesday October 23 2024 • 6:45pm - 6:45pm ET

The New York Times Podcast Club

You’re invited: Take a break from your earbuds to attend a live meetup of The New York Times Podcast Club, a monthly confab over the best in on-demand audio. This month, we’ll discuss an episode of “American Fiasco,” WNYC’s first narrative sports podcast, with the series’s creators. A New York Times journalist will moderate the conversation about the U.S. men’s soccer team at the 1998 games, its high expectations and legendary failure. “American Fiasco” host and Times contributor Roger Bennett will Skype in from Russia, where he is reporting on this year’s matches and more.


About Podcast Mixtape

This is a demo, a rough draft, a sample. Monday nights in The Greene Space we swap studio postproduction for real-time ruckus with tapings of your favorite podcasts, sneaky peeks of unreleased pilots and works-in-progress, conversations with the people who make great tape, and audio experiments of all kinds. Take the earbuds out, grab a drink, and get live with your fellow listeners.

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